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Upcoming Volunteer Events

The Power of YOU: TEAK Virtual Resume Workshops

Join us virtually to work with our high school Fellows as they continue to hone their resumes. The session will begin with a brief presentation on the importance of a resume, as well some best practices for writing a resume. Following the presentation, volunteers will be assigned to a breakout room where they will work one-on-one with a Fellow on creating a resume or editing their current resume. TEAK will provide all workshop materials including a resume guide, sample resumes, as well as a resume building worksheet

Sign Up to Volunteer


Thursday, January 23rd | 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Join us virtually to work with our 10th grade Fellows as they prepare their first resumes for their upcoming Summer of Service Program. Summer of Service is a signature TEAK program that places all rising 11th grade TEAK Fellows at an internship at a NYC-based nonprofit or community based organization.


Thursday, January 30th | 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Join us virtually to work with our 12th grade Fellows as they prepare their resumes for their summer internship experience before college.