Admissions FAQs
When can my child apply?
Sixth grade is the only entry year of the program. While we serve students from middle school through college, sixth grade is the only year that students can apply.
Will TEAK take my child out of her current middle school?
No, TEAK is an enrichment program that provides academic support and guidance for students. TEAK’s Middle School Academy consists of after-school classes twice during the week and once a month on Saturdays. We teach these classes in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and at our office in Manhattan. Students will stay at their current middle schools through 8th grade. TEAK supports students in applying to competitive high schools and colleges.
Can I choose which Middle School Academy location my child will attend for their after-school programming?
We do our best to place students at the after-school program that is most convenient for the student.
Should my child study for the admissions exam?
Studying for the ISEE admissions exam is not necessary. This exam is a diagnostic test that helps us understand students’ strengths and areas of improvement. This helps us plan our curriculum to best serve our students and is only one piece of our academic assessment. We rely most heavily on the student’s report cards and teacher recommendations to understand their academic performance.
How much does TEAK cost the family?
TEAK is a free 10-year after school program that supports highly-motivated students from New York City through a combination of academic enrichment, service learning, mentoring, and transformational experiences.
Who decides where my child goes to high school?
Our high school placement counselors will offer their guidance and expertise, and high school attendance is ultimately a family decision. However, all TEAK Fellows are required to apply to a combination of independent day schools, private boarding schools, and public high schools.
If my child does not get into TEAK, can we re-apply next year?
Sixth grade is the only entry point for the TEAK Fellowship. Because of this, students may not reapply.
Where can I learn more?
Visit our Admissions youtube playlist to watch videos on how to apply, view an information session, and more. View the playlist here.
Who can I contact with questions or for application help?
If you have questions, please email us at admissions@teakfellowship.
We also offer TEAK Application Office Hours where you can meet with an Admissions Staff member and ask any questions you might have regarding the process or application.