Professional Coach Program
Thank you for your interest in becoming a TEAK Professional Coach! The TEAK Professional Coach program is an ongoing virtual commitment and an exciting opportunity to offer your industry insight and advice and to serve as a resource and guide to our college Fellows as they begin to define and navigate their professional goals and build their network.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact Kelli Goodman at [email protected].
Apply to be a professional coach
What is the TEAK Professional Coach Program?
The goal of the TEAK Professional Coach Program is to provide our TEAK college Fellows with a mentor and resource in their field of interest to guide and support them as they begin to define and develop their professional goals and seek out internships and other hands-on experiences that will give them the tools and resources to secure post-graduate employment.
What are the expectations of the Coaches?
As a TEAK Professional Coach you will:
• Communicate at least twice a month with your TEAK Fellow via email, phone or Zoom to check in on professional goals and progress toward their internship/job search, and support with skill-building and networking
• Assist Fellows with goal setting and career guidance
• Support Fellows in navigating the internship and full-time job recruitment and application process
• Support Fellows in expanding their professional networks
How are Coaches screened and paired?
Our College Success team recruits committed individuals from diverse industries to serve as Coaches to TEAK Fellows. After recruitment, the screening process includes an online application, interview, background check, and an orientation training session. Matches are determined through communication between the TEAK staff, Fellows and Coaches to ensure the best possible match.
Professional Coaches are provided with a comprehensive Professional Coach resource guide as well as access to an electronic folder of resources to support you and your Fellow in setting and accomplishing career goals and professional development milestones. Additionally, TEAK staff will schedule check-ins with all mentors to support the development of your relationship with your Fellow and provide resources and suggestions as needed.